● interviews with users about their experience with the platform.
● respond to user requests to change the autoplay function.
● introduced the possibility for the user to set autoplay on his profile, so that both playback the preview while browsing the list of movies, as well as the playback of the next episode is optional.
● interviews with users about their experience with the platform,
● checking traffic statistics on the profile page.
● return to the classic presentation of posts on the user profile.
● A new way of presenting posts on the user's profile has been implemented, which basically reverts to the original solution. The page has been divided into two columns so that new posts are displayed in the left column, while the right column is a place to display other activities such as photos, places visited, etc.
● website traffic statistics,
● performance tests to check the speed of loading page elements,
● interviews with users about their experience with the mobile version,
● site prototype testing with users during moderated sessions across Canada,
● A / B tests of various variants of the new design.
● the need for a complete reconstruction of the website dedicated to mobile devices in accordance with the current indications for responsive web applications.
● application of the Agile work methodology during 16 2-week sprints,
● website responsiveness has been adjusted to screens of a larger group of mobile devices,
● page loading speed has been significantly improved,
● removed distracting buttons and other unnecessary page elements.